No need for college

*English article.

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Almost everyone will agree on the importance of getting an education, including going to college. There are many benefits to studying in college, especially the benefits of graduating.

Graduating from college opens up many opportunities to get a job, earn a decent income, form relationships, achieve life goals, achieve success, and many other benefits.

But that was then. The world has changed. Many sciences that were used to be limited to university walls and had to be obtained through lectures are now widespread and very easy to get via the internet.

Advances in internet technology have been extraordinary so that we can learn anything, anywhere, and anytime with the help of the internet. In addition, college is no longer something special because many people have already gone to college and no longer guarantees to get a job or a decent life.

Suppose we think that going to college and graduating from college can guarantee our success in the future. Then, it’s better to rethink our choice to go to college because no single university in this world can ensure that we will succeed or have a decent life by graduating.

College is not for everyone. However, college is a must when our goal is to work in a profession that requires an academic degree, such as becoming a teacher, doctor, or lawyer.

However, if our aspirations and life choices are not to work in a field that requires an academic degree, then college is only a choice.

Here are some considerations that make college no longer worth it for those not interested in working in the academic field or needing an academic degree.


No need to mention the nominal; most colleges are included in the expensive category for most people. To complete undergraduate studies, many cost components must be prepared, starting from university entrance fees, entrance administration fees, living expenses, transportation, and many other costs.

Many parents have to go into debt for their children to go to college, but when they graduate, it is difficult for their children to get jobs.

We also need to know that apart from being educational institutions, universities are business institutions whose business continuity is highly dependent on the presence of students. Therefore, day by day, the tuition fee is getting more expensive.

Alternatively, the same amount of money those of us who are not interested in working under the degree requirements can put the money towards other things, for example, building a business, investing, or developing other skills.

No guarantees for success

The current trend is that prospective students want to enter campuses with big names, hoping that the big names of the campus can help them get jobs.

In the end, the choice of work depends on each one. Unfortunately, many university graduates cannot find a job or work in a field that does not require an academic degree.

Long time to finish

To be able to earn a bachelor’s degree, it takes at least four years to graduate. During these four years, we must be prepared for the consequences of college, namely the many challenging assignments. Many students took longer to graduate, and most even had to drop out because of the difficulty of lectures.

With the current use of internet technology, we can easily access many skills such as online tutorials or courses that can put us at a professional level, for example, learning computer programs, languages, or abilities we like.

In addition, some companies or jobs do not require an academic degree, as long as the competencies are offered by the position.

With today’s technological advances, going to college is no longer the first choice. Instead, going to college is an alternative to achieving success because going to college is not the same as being successful.

Knowledge and skills are no longer limited to campus walls. Knowledge and skills can be easily accessed and learned online. The world of work has changed, and many new professions have sprung up due to technological advances, which have even made old and traditional disciplines extinct.

Ultimately the decision is in the hands of each of us. We must be able to choose the most effective education, finances, time, interests, and life choices.

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