• Unearthing the Academic Time Capsule: Delving into the Evolution of Science Education Among Indonesian Students

    Abstract The Indonesian education system, in general, still has many challenges in learning science. The results of the 2018 PISA survey put Indonesia in 74th place, which is sixth from the bottom. Indonesian students’ reading ability, with a score of 371, is in the 74th position; Mathematics, with 379, is in the 73rd position; and Science, with a… Read more

  • Don’t just go to college

    *English Article. The opportunity to go to college is a blessing because not everyone has the same opportunity. College is the best time to shape your future. Therefore, college time needs to be used to maximize your potential. Nearly four years of college is more than enough time to prepare for the real world. While… Read more

  • No need for college

    *English article. Almost everyone will agree on the importance of getting an education, including going to college. There are many benefits to studying in college, especially the benefits of graduating. Graduating from college opens up many opportunities to get a job, earn a decent income, form relationships, achieve life goals, achieve success, and many other… Read more

  • The importance of college education

    *English article. A big decision after completing senior secondary education is whether to continue studying or working—a tough choice because it will determine many things in our life. But of course, not everyone needs to go to college. College is a choice that is tertiary and does not determine success. For those who are no… Read more

  • Optimistic Nihilism

    *English article. Starting at the age of three or four, we begin to become aware of the realities of life and ask some philosophical questions about life. Where do we come from? Are we real? What happens after death and many other questions we try to ask. Adults try to give the best answers to… Read more

  • Jangan cuma kuliah

    Memiliki kesempatan bisa pergi kuliah di perguruan tinggi merupakan sebuah keberuntungan tersendiri, karena tidak semua orang memiliki kesempatan yang sama. Masa kuliah merupakan waktu yang sangat berharga untuk menentukan masa depan. Oleh karena itu, waktu kuliah perlu digunakan untuk memaksimalkan potensi diri. Hampir empat tahun kuliah merupakan waktu yang cukup untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi dunia… Read more